Sunday, 28 September 2014


Not another guitar blog :(

My name is Big Earl, and I run a company called northtownsound, located in Edmonton, Canada. I play guitar, I make noise, and I want the world to share my punk rock ethos of DIY.

I began northtownsound as a means to import effects pedals and other guitar accessories to offer some selection in my local dire marketplace. And to hunt out the best of what I can find, and get it into the hands and onto the boards of players. These are the first baby steps in a master plan to take this to a full-on commercial venture, for something this town and indeed my nation needs: a guitar store that relies on tone and sound, not hype and myth.

So why a blog. Well, to begin with, winter’s coming. Many, many months of nuthin’ to do but curse the weather and the sky.

But also, to share some of my knowledge, some of my opinions, some of my history. So if you got a few moments, check out what you find here: you may learn something.

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